Go Play

When you were a young child you never questioned your artistic endeavors as good or bad. You were in complete joy as you dipped your paint brush into the deep red liquid and let your hand move through the eye of your imagination. Through the smears of paint you could see the masterpiece beneath the array of colors splattered over the pristine white palette. Recall how happy you were to create for the sake of creating. Remember how thrilled you were to put the first streak of color on your paper. When you approach your life with an eager and happy heart you are lifted by excitement and you are moved with joy, but as adults you let the critical you crash the party. The critical you says your not good enough. The critical you looks over at your friends painting and deems yours unworthy. The critical you begins to limit what is possible.  At every age you are learning and developing and so you need to let yourself paint outside the lines, soon your exploration will refine the masterpiece over time. If you let yourself make mistakes and fail, but continue to put your brush to paper a clear picture will begin to appear. What you had inside your heart begins to shape itself, paint itself, and make itself known. The journey may not turn out as you intended, but it will evolve into something that is uniquely you. 

Your soul-to-soul communication, writing under the influence of god light.

Much love, Faith


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