Below The Surface

Beneath the thoughts, the emotions, and the drama of life resides the peace of your soul. 

Many of you resist to connect with your soul mind. In the silence you tremble and shake as you experience all the feelings and thoughts that are hidden below surface. When you sit without distractions the insecurities, doubts and fear that you pushed down make you feel exposed and vulnerable. But if you would let those uncomfortable feelings rise in your awareness and embrace the discomfort, the feelings would begin to dissipate, like clouds in the sky. Below the surface there is a river of peace that will take you home. There you will feel the presence of your soul always holding you in the light. Life is not meant to harm you. Life is meant to grow you. Be brave and feel your way into peace. 

Your soul-to-soul communication, writing under the influence of god light.

Much love, Faith


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