Restore, Revision, Revitalize


Hello Sweet Souls, 

As I write to you the earth is gushing rivers of water. I hope ALL this rain is not dampening your spirits. As you take refuge from the torrent of rain I encourage you to take this time as an opportunity to restore, revision and revitalize yourself for the new year.

Water has a reflective nature and now is the perfect time to reflect the challenges, accomplishments, and gratitudes of 2022. Water cleans, purifies and replenishes. It is a conduit for energy and a life force that keeps alive all living things. Water is a life giving transportation system that carries, detoxifies and nourishes. The water element holds a metaphysical meaning such as compassion, higher mysteries, community, insight, healing and relationships.

Let the water be a metaphor to release what did not serve you in 2022 and an invitation to reflect your life vision for 2023. 

As the rain pours down this next week, ask your yourself what is needing to be washed away within myself? This can be self limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and emotions, judgments, self defeating attitudes and self sabotaging behaviors.

You may need to let go of depleting relationships, jobs, or physical objects. Consider what new qualities need to emerge within  to carry you through another year. As in nature there is cycle of releasing and renewing.You can sit quietly and chant the sound mantra Sa Ta Na Ma which represents the cycle of life as you contemplate of these questions.  

Sa birth 
Ta Life 
Na death 
Ma rebirth 

As you repeat these sounds let the answers gently and quietly emerge. What do I need to release and what qualities do I need to embody for more joy and peace.

I'm offering Sacred Soul Reflection Session and 2023 Life Visioning Session (details below) that will Restore, Revision and Revitalize your soul's journey into the new year. New year's resolutions can have a short shelf life, but an authentic and intentional approach will help awaken you to possibility, bring deeper insights, cultivate clarity that will bring profound meaning into your life. 

I am reviving my Sacred Soul Circles to support and strengthen your authentic expression, creations and visions for 2023. It's easy to lose sight in the busyness and muntia of life. A monthly circle gives you a place to affirm your highest intentions and a sanctuary to restore your energy and remember who you are. 

Sacred Soul Circles will occur on Sundays 6pm, once a month, starting January 22. The Sacred soul circles are kept small 4-6  participants to create more time and intimacy within the transaction, Please email me if you are interested or have questions.

We are more powerful together. When we increase our numbers with our intentions our commitment to our most authentic life increases, possibility expands and our ability to bring our creations/goals to fruition strengthens. It is a community designed to support, heal, and strengthen one another.

Words To Inspire The Energy Of January 

Restore Revision and Revitalize

Reflect. Contemplate. Revise.
Nurture. Nature. Knowing.
Love. Devotion. Behold.
Profound. Grounded. Presence.
Inner light. Awe.Vision
Satisfied. Grateful. Grounded. 
Silence.Thanks. Blessing.
Grateful. Soulful. Change
Surrender. Flow. Soul.

Blessings For A Beautifully Abundant New year!  


As you think about water as the element and symbol that is literally carrying us into 2023 consider a Sacred Soul Reflection Session. 

Sacred Soul Reflection Session 
This session mentally, emotionally and energetically closes 2022 and ritualistically opens 2023 for more clarity, wisdom and authenticity. This session is literally a spa treatment for the soul, a renovation for the mind, and a sanctuary for the heart. We will create an energetic imprint for your soul's desire as you head into 2023. 

You will gain a daily practice to receive inner guidance and wisdom. You will learn how to cultivate your inner trust and follow your hearts path to fulfillment and greater joy.

                                 BOOK YOUR SESSION 


Empower yourself to a Sacred YES for 2023 
                                        2023 =  Sacred 7

   7 symbolizes a person’s inner wisdom, self-awareness, and intuition.

The number 7 is a powerful number related to overcoming obstacles, developing your personal spirituality and connection to the spirit world, listening to your intuition and inner wisdom, and embracing new opportunities on your path. Number 7 appears as a sign of encouragement that you are on the right path. Even though you may be faced with challenges. Number 7 relates to listening to your intuition and inner voice as you make decisions in life. Every choice you make affects your future, reminding you of all the great decisions you've made and all the ones you will make in the future, particularly when you listen to yourself.

January 2023 7 spots open for a personalized Life vision Session.

We will look to uncover your blocks, obstacles and limited beliefs and I will teach you a powerful tool to release what's not serving you. Reclaim your latent gifts and talents for 2023. You will have a clear pathway to your vision and purpose. You will receive an intuitive reading and guidance. You will be empowered with a powerful daily meditation and practices to keep you on your path. Open your gateway to your pure potential and unlimited possibility.

                                 BOOK YOUR SESSION



Receive Your New Years Gift 

In January receive $25 CREDIT towards any Sacred Soul Session, including massage.

As additional gift I'm offering a payment plan for any of my Sacred Soul Sessions or Body Work Treatments. I know that resources can be tight this time of year and I don't want it to be a hindrance to you receiving the support you need. 

Sacred Soul Reflection Session And 2023 Life Vision 
This session mentally, emotionally and energetically closes 2022 and ritualistically opens 2023 for more clarity, wisdom and authenticity. This session is literally a spa treatment for the soul, a renovation for the mind, and a sanctuary for the heart. We will create an energetic imprint for your soul's desire as you head into 2023.

 Payment Plan Available 

Sacred Soul Circle
Gather the light within to enhance healing, growth and opportunity. When you step beyond yourself to connect with others you are able to fuel your own dreams and visions with more power, grace and expediency. We will commune through prayer, meditation and heart to heart communication. What heals in you, heals in others.

Donation based

Bodywork Treatment Gift Certificate
Gift a friend, family member, or co-worker. You will receive $20 off for each gift certificate purchase. Gift Certificates can be sent directly to you or the person you are purchasing for. You can also request a digital Gift Certificate through email.

$20.00 off purchase 

Mediumship Reading 
Sacred Holistic based mediumship is healing work that helps people to understand that life is eternal, that we are spiritual beings living a human experience. Through communication with loved ones I provide evidence that loved ones still exist. I will be providing complimentary 30-minute readings for the purpose of training.

Donations will be accepted.

Visit Livinginspration 

Faith Williams